The theory of the imaginary part matrix of the complex matrix is put into two vector product sum by using the elementary transformation of the matrix of unchanging the matrix rank. 将复数矩阵的虚部矩阵应用矩阵的初等变换不改变其秩的理论,分解成两个向量乘积之和分解式。
The feature of receipt signal in main-beam of radar seeker was analyzed, and the distribution characteristics of monopulse ratio's real part and imaginary part were presented. 首先分析了雷达导引头主波束内接收信号的特点,给出了目标检测时接收信号单脉冲比实部和虚部的分布特征;
The imaginary part of dielectric function and the absorption coefficient 光吸收介质的吸收系数与介电函数虚部的关系
The characteristics of photonic crystal made of LHM and RHM with an imaginary part of dielectric constant 复介电右手材料和左手材料构成的光子晶体的特性研究
Finally, if the imaginary part of the permittivity is not equal to zero and so energy is lost ( whatever the real part is), then the element can be thought of as having resistance. 如果介电常数的虚部不等于零,则存在能量损失(不管实部为多少),因而,可以认为该元件具备电阻性。
During the experiment, instrument performs broadband frequency sweep measurement, and continuously changes measurement frequency and records real part and imaginary part numeric values. 实验过程中仪器采用宽频带扫频测量,不断改变测量频率,记录不同频率下岩心复电阻率的实部数值、虚部数值;
The structure parameter of refractive index imaginary part for the different latent heat flux was calculated by means of simulation theory. 不同潜热通量时,折射率的结构常数在满足相似理论的条件下可以计算出来。
The large transmittance gains appear at transmittance peaks if the imaginary part of dielectric layer's dielectric constant is negative. 随着复介电常量的虚部的增加,两透射增益先增加后减少,中间存在一极值点。
The double-pattern system requires that data acquisition and processing can demodulate real part and imaginary part information of detected wire loop fixed in different angles. 这种双模式系统要求数据采集和处理部分同时解调安装在不同角度的检测线圈的实部和虚部信息。
The transfer matrix method is used to calculate the band structures of 1D crystals with complex dielectric constant, in this paper, The authors put emphasis on the case of negative imaginary part. 利用传输矩阵法计算了一维光子晶体的能带结构和光传输特性,重点讨论了介电常量的虚部为负值时对传输特性的影响。
The oscillatory mode ( the imaginary part of eigenvalues) and the oscillatory mode shape ( eigenvectors) are calculated with the classical model. 首先,通过建立发电机的经典模型,计算出多机系统的各振荡模式(特征根虚部)和振荡模态(特征向量);
First, distributions of the real part and imaginary part of array factors were analyzed theoretically based on central limit theorem. 依据大数定理对阵因子实部与虚部的概率分布进行了理论分析.其中外界因素的影响最为重要。
CONCLUSION: Both real and imaginary part of brain tissue complex impedance could be used as imaging variables. 讨论:脑组织复电阻抗实部、虚部和电阻率变化率均可以作为成像变量;
Numerical results indicate that both the real part and the imaginary part of the dynamic compliance coefficients of the foundation show obvious fluctuation, and that the saturated soil's anisotropy has significant effect on the dynamic compliance coefficients and the angular amplitude of the foundation. 数值分析结果表明:下卧基岩饱和地基上基础扭转动力柔度系数的实部和虚部都呈现出一定的波动,地基的各向异性程度对基础的动力柔度系数和扭转角位移幅值有很大影响;
A complex network can be interpreted as a connection consisting of two real networks, one of which transfers the real part of the complex signal and another which transfers the imaginary part. 一个复数网络可以认为是由两个实网络所组成,它们分别传递复数信号的实部和虚部。
On the basis of diffraction property of a grating in the Fourier optical system, the real part and imaginary part in the Fourier spectrum of object could be obtained, and the Fourier phase could be measured. 根据光栅在傅里叶光学系统中的衍射特性,获得物体的傅里叶谱的实部和虚部信息,进而测出其傅里叶谱的实部和虚部信息,进而测出其傅里叶位相分布。
According to characteristic of complex wavelet transform, we put forward a new threshold algorithm, which chooses threshold of real part and imaginary part of complex wavelet coefficients independently at first, and then, adjusts the threshold by complex mask based on the noise level. 基于复小波变换的特点,提出分别对其系数的实部和虚部进行独立阈值选取,根据噪声水平用复掩码算子调整阈值,由此得到复阈值的一种新算法。
The imaginary part of dielectric function ε_2(ω) of amo-rphous quantum dots is also studied. 还研究了非晶量子点的介电函数虚部ε_2(ω)。
The real part of the complex pole is the energy of an unstable localized mode, and the reciprocal of the imaginary part is its life-time. Naturally the life-time is positive. 复极点的实部是不稳定局域模的能量,虚部是它寿命的倒数,自然地得到了寿命为正的限制。
In this paper, the realization of complex filters using wave digital lattice filter is reported. The relation between the real part and the imaginary part of its output fulfills Hilbert transformation. 本文介绍用波数字格型滤波器来实现复数滤波器、其输出信号的虚部和实部之间满足希尔伯特(Hilbert)变换关系。
A minimum of the imaginary part of the dielectric constant was observed at lower frequencies from the frequency dependence of the dielectric constant, this implies the existence of imperfections and space-charge polarization in the crystals. 介电系数的频率特性显示,介电系数虚部在较低频率时呈现极小值,这表明晶体中存在缺陷和空间电荷极化。
A positive imaginary part of the frequency ω means that the mode is unstable. 解色散方程,如果频率ω有正的虚部,那么盘是不稳定的。
The real-part signal produced by the drill collar in the earth can be approximately regarded as constant, and the imaginary part can also be approximately regarded as constant when the conductivity of the earth is greater than 0.01S/m. 钻铤在地层中产生的实部信号可近似认为恒定,而当地层电导率大于0.01S/m时,钻铤在地层中产生的虚部信号亦可近似认为恒定。
Soil type has little influence on imaginary part of dielectric constant. 土壤类型和介电常数虚部几乎没有相关性。
An interesting phenomenon has been found that imaginary part of impedance makes contribution to the growth rate of coupled bunch instability. 得到了一个有趣的结果:虚部阻抗对不稳定性的增长率也有贡献。
In this paper, a precise and practical method is provided through dividing integral area by the zero, singular point of integrand and adopting the way of real part, imaginary part integrated respectively. 本文通过由被积函数的零点、奇点来划分积分区间,采取对实部、虚部分开积分等技巧给出了精确实用的数值计算方法。
For this group of analytic wavelets, the conclusion that the real part and imaginary part of their transform coefficients also constitute an Hilbert transform pair was perfectly deduced. 在阐述了解析小波频谱为一实值函数是其实部和虚部构成Hilbert变换对的一个充分条件后,论证了这类解析小波变换系数的实部和虚部同样构成Hilbert变换对的结论。
For the relaxation and the resonance magnetic spectra, we analyzed the dependence of the real part, the imaginary part, the maximum of the imaginary part, the resonance frequency, and the resonance line width of complex susceptibility on anisotropy angular dispersion. 获得了弛豫型和共振型的复磁化率曲线,分析了复磁化率的实部、虚部、虚部极大值、共振频率,以及共振线宽随着各向异性角分布的变化规律。
The feasibility experiments results showed that the salinity has little influence on the imaginary part of the measured impedance, which is the foundation of the further study. Finally, some improvement suggestions are presented at the end of the thesis. 进行了可行性实验研究,初步验证了阻抗虚部受矿化度的影响较小,为进一步的研究奠定了基础。最后,针对当前研究和测量系统存在的不足,提出了一些建议。
The imaginary part of the complex self energy of electron provides spatial and angular dependent differential inverse inelastic mean free path ( DIIMFP). 电子复自能的虚部给出了空间和角度相关的微分倒数非弹性平均自由程(DIIMFP)。